
Showing posts from 2018


Thank you for your patience. Let's just get into it, shall we? I've seen countless posts, statuses, pictures about how hard it is being a good person. And how good people always get the short end of the stick. And 'my toxic trait is that I love too hard'. Let's get real for a second. This 'woe is me; look at how hard my life is when all I do is good; people don't appreciate all I've sacrificed' attitude is played out. It might be hard to hear (or it might not) but it gives off a very victimised energy and as though you are helpless and don't take much responsibility for the direction of your life. It is not your good heart that steers you wrong. It is not your selflessness that gets you hurt. It is not your trustworthiness that gets you manipulated. It is your lack of discernment. Having a good heart is a wonderful thing to have. Don't knock being a kind person because you feel as though kind people should have some kind of better lif...


Thank you so much for the out pour of love from my last post. It is now my most read post :D and still being read. So thank you thank you thank you. I realised I focused a lot on the tough parts (or at least I think I did) but I didn't mention nearly as much the love I've been receiving from unexpected places, the new friendships I've formed, the support I've been getting from unexpected places. So thank you. I might not have gotten everything I expected but I got a lot of what I didn't expect and tbh, it was worth the loss. And not everything, either... Thinking about how I didn't highlight the good as much as the bad, I started to ponder on a few things. Along with some other situations here and there, I started to wonder about what it means to be 'ungrateful'. I'm pretty sure you've either been called ungrateful before or you've called someone ungrateful. Maybe we call other people ungrateful quicker than we call ourselves ungrate...

Little Big Lessons

Let's see if I still know how to do this. Thank you for your patience, if you've been wondering when next I was going to drop a lil sumn sumn. I wanted to wait until I had some profound thing to share but the lessons have been coming in like raindrops, so it's hard to keep up. Also, something being profound is usually in the eyes of the beholder. So maybe there'll be a nugget in there for you if need be. Ya girl is pregnant. And this is how I got here: So this journey been one long ass rollercoaster ride. If anything, I've been learning how to say less. So it's been hard to write because I like to explain things in detail but I also want to keep things short and sweet. This period has been about transformation, for me. I feel like it's been that for a lot of people as well. If you've felt stagnant for a long time, or you've been putting off something you think will be life changing, I think the discomfort with where you are has eith...

Icing on the Cake

Up at an ungodly hour with a lot going through my mind. Recently on twitter, I read something about metaphors being a great help in dealing with certain issues because it can give you a new perspective on a familiar problem and hopefully motivate a change in behaviour to help deal with or eliminate the problem. metaphor (n) (1) a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else, especially something abstract (2) a figure of speech that directly refers to one thing by mentioning another for rhetorical effect. It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two ideas ----- Beware of things/people that are just icing on the cake.  Better yet, beware of things/people that are just icing and aren't even on the cake. Imagine seeing somebody eating a plain piece of cake. Maybe you might start craving some yourself. Even if you don't, you kinda just overlook it. Nothing out of the ordinary. It's just a normal adult eating cake....

-đź’“Feminine Revolutionđź’“-

My best hours are usually 3am to 5am, for thinking and for writing. Recently, I've been waking up or already up at those times and I seriously cannot deny the powerful messages that flow through me so effortlessly. A lot has been going on and I feel the revolution of the feminine energy VERY strongly. The earth, society, households and us, our children have felt the imbalance for too long. We have affected our children, our households, our society, our earth by allowing ourselves to live with this imbalance. So the change must begin within. I ask that you begin and end reading this with an open mind. I ask that you read from a place of understanding BEFORE you judge if you feel you MUST judge. Disagreements are always welcome but I will not acknowledge arguments that oppose things I did not say. I can only defend what I said, not what you interpreted. And I tried my best to be as clear as possible and I am willing to clear up misunderstandings and answer questions. But I will not...

Respect Your 'Youngers' II

Good Day loved ones. If you haven't read the first post on respecting your youngers, feel free to take a quick read through. I have a little update today. Actually, maybe more of a proposal. For young folks and older folks alike because most people will experience being a part of both parties. Young folks, tell me if this sounds familiar: "Y'all young people think y'all know everything" "You wouldn't know about that, that was before your time" "You still eh ready for that yet" -using words like "child" or "ti mamaille" (little child in Creole) or "girl/boy" in a sentence to undermine the younger person in question or rather, to 'remind' them of their 'place'. Parents/elders often encourage young people to speak out. They share things on social media (those that know how to use social media) that show ho...

Feeling in Full Bloom

Loves. Thank you for your patience. Things have been up and down and I realised I needed some real motivation. I also realised that I don't even go back and read my own posts. People tell me it's helped them but Lord alone knows why I don't let them help me. It's like I write them and leave it in the past. Honestly, I'm a tad intimidated by my previous posts because I worry that I might not be on that level anymore so I started with some of my journal entries instead. I found one today that really helped me and I thought I'd share. I hope it reaches at least one person that might need to see it. When you feel in full bloom.. The flower knows the possibility of being picked just to die.. ..still it blooms Love in full bloom Fear cannot exist in the same space as love The opinion of the flower itself matters little Is it one of love or fear? A new chapter is upon me. A new beginning. A new way of life. I sense it. I know it. I do things from t...