-đź’“Feminine Revolutionđź’“-

My best hours are usually 3am to 5am, for thinking and for writing. Recently, I've been waking up or already up at those times and I seriously cannot deny the powerful messages that flow through me so effortlessly. A lot has been going on and I feel the revolution of the feminine energy VERY strongly. The earth, society, households and us, our children have felt the imbalance for too long. We have affected our children, our households, our society, our earth by allowing ourselves to live with this imbalance. So the change must begin within.

I ask that you begin and end reading this with an open mind. I ask that you read from a place of understanding BEFORE you judge if you feel you MUST judge. Disagreements are always welcome but I will not acknowledge arguments that oppose things I did not say. I can only defend what I said, not what you interpreted. And I tried my best to be as clear as possible and I am willing to clear up misunderstandings and answer questions. But I will not defend things I did not say.

Before I begin, I'd just like to clear up what I mean by feminine energy as well as masculine energy. Think of masculine energy in terms of physical strength, logic, reasoning. A strong masculine energy is very well capable of handling their own lives. It is manifested in self esteem, self worth, confidence etc. You are in charge of your own life because you are in control of yourself. A weak masculine energy creates a lot of self doubt. You are easily intimidated and struggle to stand up for yourself and have difficulty maintaining boundaries.
Feminine energy deals with goodness and rightness, intuition, emotion. Whereas masculine energy is based on value of self, feminine energy is based (in the same depth) on value of others. It allows us to know what is good for others while not controlling the lives of others. That is, a strong feminine energy. A weak feminine energy is selfish and greedy and not keen on taking responsibility's for oneself but rather blaming everything and everyone else for where they are, usually if where they are is an unsatisfactory position.

I got most of this information from http://www.lovesedona.com/02.htm if you are interested in reading more about it. It goes into a little more depth.

Image result for feminine and masculine energy yin yang

I had a discussion with my brother a few months ago (probably last year actually) where my stance was that a world that relies solely on logic and reasoning is just as dangerous as a world which relies solely on intuition and feeling. He believed that a world relying solely on logic and reasoning fares better than one relying solely on intuition and feeling. Naturally, the basis for his argument is found in, of course, reason. He is using the masculine to defend the masculine. Outside of that, it has no basis, except in itself. And in Philosophy, we call this 'begging the question':
"...a logical fallacy in which the writer or speaker assumes the statement under examination to be true. In other words, begging the question involves using a premise to support itself." (grammarist.com)
To believe that masculine energy is more important than feminine energy by way of reason, is to already use the idea of masculine energy being more important to support the conclusion that masculine energy is more important. You get my point right? It has no basis except in itself. You cannot come to believe the conclusion unless you already believe the conclusion.

To me, this highlighted a fundamental problem with the world we live in today because many of us, including women, subconsciously and consciously value masculine energy over feminine energy. I definitely know that I had been one of those and might still have subconscious preferences that I am yet to become aware of. The feminism that I supported (western feminism aka white woman feminism), I realised, was based in this subconscious belief. As much as this feminism tried to overcome this belief on the physical plane (earth) it was still a spiritual reality. So what ends up happening on the physical place, is that women, instead of focusing on demanding respect as women and in their roles as women, they look for the respect that men receive by emulating men. Now that being said, there are many women who are quite successful in their careers, there are women who really and truly rather not have kids, there are women who find value in working their 9 to 5s and having the option to do so is necessary and being paid equally for doing the SAME job as men is also necessary. Essentially, if spiritually, you believe (subconsciously or otherwise) that masculine energy is more valuable, then physically, you will demonstrate that you value masculine energy more by having people (women) adapting to the ways which characterise men. If spiritually, you believe that masculine and feminine energies both have their place and are both awarded their due respect, physically, you see that there is no need for feminism. The mere presence of things like women' rights, civil rights, gay rights etc., already shows the lack of something. If that lack didn't exist, those movements wouldn't exist.

What I'm trying to bring focus to, is the respect both men and women have towards emotions, feelings and for the sake of this argument, I will focus on stay at home mothers as a representative of feminine energy. If you, as a woman, have a career and look down on women who stay home to raise their kids, you are part of the problem. If you, as a man, believe you deserve more respect for being the breadwinner than a woman does for being a homemaker, you are part of the problem. If you as a stay at a home mother have internalised the belief that you deserve less respect, my heart goes out to you and change is coming, I promise. It is as difficult as it is rewarding to be a homemaker but there does not need to be the added difficulty from not getting the respect you deserve. You are a champion. You are my hero. I have the utmost respect for you. A woman can go out and do a man's job, dress up in pants suits, make her voice deeper as she struggles to compete with her male colleagues. She has her difficulties in the workplace but a man can NEVER, no matter how hard he tries, form a human in his body and give birth to it. All praises are due to YOU, MOTHER. If you are a stay at home dad and feel like you are being ridiculed and respected less because as a man you *should* be providing financially, I salute you. Not only for doing THE most difficult job on the planet but for enduring it WHILE your masculinity is criticised daily, your manhood questioned and you still manage to hold it down at home. They say we shouldn't be praising men for doing what women have been doing forever, or that we shouldn't praise men for doing basics, doing what a father should do, but in a world where you feel pressured to go against your feminine energy, you deserve that pat on the back. Keep fighting that good fight.

So I realised that my feminism was misguided. We SAY we want women to have the OPTION but we then distribute the different levels of respect based on the option chosen. We live in a patriarchal society, which to me means that the masculine is valued over the feminine and in turn, is more respected. Every human being needs respect and wants respect. As a woman in society, what we see happen is that the positions that get the most respect are filled by men. They are characterised by how much money you make, by how well you run a business or a country, by how well you can provide financially for your family, by being CEOs, presidents, prime ministers, the list goes on. And naturally, we associate those positions and characteristics with respect and conclude that to earn respect we must do the same. Understandable, but misguided. YES, there is respect due to those who hold those positions. However, respect is also HELLA due to the women who carry, give birth to and raise our children. The SAME amount of respect, if not MORE. A woman can become equipped to do a man's job by way of becoming more masculine. Tell me the last time a woman was allowed to just be a woman in a position of power without adopting certain masculine characteristics to be somewhat accepted (and she will always receive certain criticisms and reactions that men never have to endure). Simple things like wearing pants suits or avoiding having children because she's probably expected to be the main caregiver and balancing those two jobs is too much (although some still pull it off cuz women are damn amazing like that). A man can adopt all the feminine characteristics he wants, he will NEVER be able to bear a child. He will NEVER be able to breastfeed a child. He will NEVER know what it feels like to be MOTHER.

A friend of mine helped me to understand the role of woman as mother, caregiver, nurturer by using polygamy to explain it to me. A child/children raised in a village of women where the father/man goes out to provide and comes back at the end of the day, will be better off than a child/children raised in a village of men where the mother/woman goes out to provide and comes back at the end of the day. Give it some thought.. I am not saying that men are incompetent because single fathers do exist and are killing it. Neither am I saying that women are incompetent because there are women doing the damn thing in the working world. I am saying, men and women are different and that is OKAY TO ACKNOWLEDGE. We do not have to keep lying to ourselves saying we are created equal. We have the right to equal opportunities and respect but we are very CLEARLY different. Let us not turn a blind eye to the obvious for the sake of feelings. These feelings are valid, no doubt, but we cannot allow them to distort fact. A lot of the time the only reason we try to claim we are equal is when we feel less than. I don't hear white people WANTING to be equal to black people. I hear them fighting for equality on behalf of black people. I don't hear men WANTING to be equal to women. But I sure do hear them demand it on their behalf. If women were given their due respect, accepting our differences would not be so difficult. Because those differences, we've been told, make us automatically less than. THAT is the lie. Now we do not need to claim we are equal in every way to get that respect that we so desperately want and so rightly deserve.

I cannot help but imagine what the world would be like if women were respected for their earthly roles. I pray and wish and hope for the day that society holds women/the feminine up and gives them their due respect. I cannot wait for the day we sing the praises of stay at home mothers. I cannot wait until women are given the voice to speak for themselves AND be heard and be taken into account. I cannot wait until we see that us, women, need to DEMAND respect for ourselves as WOMEN and not seek respect by way of emulating men. There is room to respect BOTH. One does not have to be placed above the other. Weakness is not oppressed because weakness is not a threat. And based on how oppressed we have been, that should tell us just how STRONG we are. How DESERVING we are for being WOMEN. For doing the things that WOMEN do best. We are due our respect NOW! Develop the feminine energy within. Balance your own feminine and masculine energies. I cannot wait for the day men stop committing suicide because they just did not know how to cope with their emotions. I cannot wait for men to stop using anger as an outlet because they avoid feeling anything else. I cannot wait for men to embrace their emotions and their intuition. I cannot wait for us to respect the feminine within AND the masculine, properly.

Men, this is not an attack on you as individuals, it is a request to develop your own feminine energy to bring about balance around you. Toxic masculinity is hurting you as well. A lack of feminine energy is hurting you first, before it hurts anybody else. Hiding your emotions, your feelings, your fears..it is HURTING YOU. So many of us rather have sons because it's easier to raise them in a society where they're already accepted for being themselves and doing what they want. We fear having daughters, men especially, and that SPEAKS VOLUMES. If you would not want your daughter to fall victim to this society THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE SOCIETY by doing something about yourself. Become the type of man that you want to exist in society so you are GLAD you have a daughter who you KNOW will be taken care of when they go out on their own and become women. Men have the best relationships with their daughters sometimes until they become WOMEN. SPEAK to your daughters HONESTLY especially when it comes to sex AND your sons. Don't demonize it for your daughters and glorify it for your sons. Educate yourselves PROPERLY. Get HOLISTIC sexual education..it is never too late. If you are 50, 60, 70 and your ideas of sex are warped then you NEED sexual education just as much as any 14 or 15 year old. Because y'all want children to listen to y'all but we refuse to listen to what we know is bullshit.

I'm sorry, but in the 21st century, telling me I need to be married to have sex is BULLSHIT. Married in the sense of involving the government. Nobody who has ever told me about waiting until marriage to have sex had themselves waited. And those who did, 90% regret it and 10% regret it, but quietly. Stats by me :).

And let me just say this...

Women.. SEX IS FOR YOU TOO! You are allowed to feel pleasure from having sex! You have a clitoris that God, Herself, put there for you to do nothing else but make you feel good, girl! Your daughters masturbate too! Your mother probably masturbates (if she hasn't internalised the shame associated with sex for women)! Young girls are just as curious about their genitals as young boys. Preteen boys learning masturbation has become so commonplace. We make jokes about it. They speak openly about it. Women, we deserve that freedom. Our daughters need to know that it is okay to explore themselves! It is THEIR body. We are not objects used for when men want pleasure. Do not have sex if it does not feel like you are participating for your own enjoyment as well. Stop going into sexual situations allowing the man's stroke game or head game to determine the quality of sex! Get in and get yours or GET OUT! Put in the work to get your orgasm! Get on top! Maybe even sometimes forget he's there and just enjoy how good you feel! Get you a man who is intelligent enough to allow you to be a sexual being. Not a man who enjoys freaky, nasty sex and wants women who enjoy it too and can suck his dick from the back but then turns around and calls those same women hoes. They marry "trophy" wives (or as twitter calls them, "pick me's") who stay home and are at their beck and call and then cheat on them with THOSE SAME "HOES". Stop fucking dumb men. And for Petra's sake (cuz it ain't for Pete's sake), PLEASE don't marry them. Either let them die virgins or let them decide they need to do better.

A beautiful conversation I had with a brilliant mind brought a lot of those things into perspective. (Big up yourself Blossom Apple - yes, that is actually her name lol). The way the conversation had started, I was already in defence mode. She was explaining to me that there is nothing a woman can do, that a man cannot do in the working world and that women, in fact, do not need a typical 9 to 5 and that it is not exactly profitable. The feminist in me was like "girl, I love you but you gon' have to gimme lil bit mo' before I get radical." But I put my feelings, especially the trigger happy feelings, aside and listened, without judgement, to understand. And thank God I did.

Personally, I am not a fan of having to go to work on my period (something me and her also discussed). And I really don't care if men can't sympathise because they cannot relate. But more than likely, my boss is a man (well not in St. Lucia actually where your boss is more likely to be a woman -big up yourself 758) but in reality he is though. And unless he maybe has a daughter or wife, and sometimes not even then, can I get him to understand why I would rather not have to work while I'm on my period. And as someone who wants to have kids, I know personally, that it is not profitable for the business to have me take months away from work to become a mother. That creates more expense and there is no money coming in. Business-wise, it is not profitable and the point of a business it to make profit. I also am not keen on leaving my child after 3 months. And at the rate of the articles I'm seeing lately, I will have a hard time leaving my child with anybody because you really don't know who you can trust. And as a mother, you rightly believe that nobody can take care of that child better than you (healthy, non-toxic mothers; although toxic mothers might think the same thing, doesn't mean they can provide the best). And your peace of mind is important.

I'll wrap it up here. I do hope my words are received with love because I definitely wrote them with love. I wrote them with a yearning in my heart for feminine energy to be acknowledged alongside masculine energy and not beneath.


Image result for feminine and masculine energy yin yang

Willow Smith - Female Energy


  1. Great post, I would just like to add that in the process of balancing these energies for women, one should acknowledge the masculine side in others especially their significant other or a close relative without judgement. Feminine energies connect much more easily between people due to its nature and it effortlessly affects the holders of these awakened energies, however a bond through masculine energies can help one who may be low on such energy to gain balance and effectively align the feminine with the masculine. On a physical level, if a woman acknowledges that a man has to do certain things for the benefit of his masculine energy to align with his feminine, it would assist her in strengthening her own masculine side.

    1. Thank you for reading! In response to your comment about a woman acknowledging a man having to do certain things, would it be reasonable to ask for an explanation giving an example of why he "has" to do them? Personally, I have no problem acknowledging anything that allows a man to balance his energies but I would imagine that if there is difficulty in a woman acknowledging what "needs" doing is because maybe she does not fully understand why it is a necessity? Also, I totally agree with acknowledging people's masculine side and would like to add that acknowledging without judgement is not an easy task but I would say that acting on that judgement should be avoided if that judgement has not been backed up. Would love to hear your feedback.

    2. Its difficult to explain the reasons why he has to do certain things since it would come to a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand does. But for the sake of conversation I would use analogies and movies to explain this situation. I would advise you to watch the movie Fight Club (David Fincher, 1999), in this movie the main character (male) is in a feminine world and becomes tired or the repitition. He experiences insomnia and meets a guy who together they form an underground fight club, where guys just fight. Fast foward, the guy he meets acts as the masculine version of the main character. Through the constant fighting, the main character is no longer in his feminine state where he only lives for material things and to look pretty etc. Along the way he meets a depressed woman who I see acts as his feminine version. There is a point in the movie where both the guy he meets and the girl he meets start to have sex, at this point, the main character experiences a zen moment. I wont give away how it ends, because I don't to spoil it. Basically, it involves fighting and power moves, so to say. I think this movies best explains the masculine energy and how it is sometimes balanced within a man. So an example of such a situation where a woman might have to understand that a man needs to do certain things is work. At times a man may work and not have enough time for his partner. But his work is necessary so that he builds his masculine self whether he be the boss or the worker. The times where the woman might need the man's attention may clash with work, but however, his work is necessary so that he can provide for the two. The woman may become upset towards the man for choosing work over her but she should be cognizant of his duty to work. She may see the world of work a lot more different than he will, but his approach to the world might be in service to his masculine side rather his feminine. I do understand that acknowledging without judgement would be hard especially when emotions are involved, perhaps "without judgement" is the wrong phrase used because people often question things they don't understand. Maybe "without prying" would be the best phrase to use. I hope this explains my point a bit clearer.


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