
Showing posts from January, 2017

Change begins with Mind

Do not underestimate the power of words. You cannot be an advocate for change and in the same breath say that the thing you're trying to change is unchangeable. "I think this is a problem we need to change but..this will always be an issue" or "but this will never change" or "but that's just how it will always be." How can you be an advocate for a change if your words are followed by "but..."? You are contributing to the manifestation of things remaining how they are by saying that's how it will be. You may not realise it but it affects your approach to the situation as well as how you handle the minor failures along the way. Either you're for change or you're for leaving things as they are. But you cannot be both. Limitations and failures should be acknowledged as such..but what success story do you know that came without those things?

Before it's too late..

Sitting comfortably in a burning house Being fed, clothed and sheltered Your friends try to warn you "This house is on fire, we need to leave" But you resist because you're comfortable The people in flame retardant suits have made you comfortable So you thank them and worship them for keeping you comfortable in a burning house Your friends start planning to leave and urge you once more "I really think we should leave" You get angry "How could you insult those who have tried to make us comfortable?!" "But the house is're going to burn with it" "Then let me burn with it!" Then the fire reaches you..all of a sudden the things that brought you comfort become useless in the face of adversity You search for your friends who tried to warn you but they are long gone You have two options Fight for your life or surrender and burn Either you make decisions based on the warning signs or make life "easier" by

Unapologetically YT

Dear wypipo The same way you feel like black people need to earn their way through life and for whatever reason "prove" to you that they're "not like the rest", y'all need to earn that trust back. The stories y'all were told about us were lies. You believed them and penalised us for things we haven't done or have used our skin tone (something we have 0 control over) as a means of justifying more extensive punishments. YOU created the stereotypes that you fear. The stories of your greed, disgusting rapey ways and blatant disregard for humanity and nature are TRUE. So don't come to me with "not all white people" cuz I'm really not trying to hear it. That's your culture. Stealing land and raping the women. Building off the backs of others. That is YOUR culture. Your treatment towards us is unjustified. Our distrusting ways when it comes to you is MORE than justified. YOU need to earn the people's trust back. Feeling like