Feeling in Full Bloom


Thank you for your patience. Things have been up and down and I realised I needed some real motivation. I also realised that I don't even go back and read my own posts. People tell me it's helped them but Lord alone knows why I don't let them help me. It's like I write them and leave it in the past. Honestly, I'm a tad intimidated by my previous posts because I worry that I might not be on that level anymore so I started with some of my journal entries instead. I found one today that really helped me and I thought I'd share. I hope it reaches at least one person that might need to see it.

When you feel in full bloom..

The flower knows the possibility of being picked just to die..
..still it blooms
Love in full bloom
Fear cannot exist in the same space as love
The opinion of the flower itself matters little
Is it one of love or fear?

A new chapter is upon me. A new beginning. A new way of life. I sense it. I know it. I do things from the space of love. I bloom. A new life. Unknown. But free. Might invite feelings of loneliness. That too is leftover fear. Fear you did not deal with in a previous life, a previous time. Do not prolong true happiness, not stolen happiness. The 'happiness' you get doing things to procrastinate is stolen. And yet it feels good...but only for a time. Be honest with yourself. Are you full right now? What do you 'think' you're missing to feel full? What could you be doing right now to achieve this or real-ise this potential? If you genuinely are doing the most you can at that time, then why aren't you at peace? Where is the peace of mind? This is love. This is not criticism. This is to make you aware. To bring you to Now.

I endure all emotions; good, bad and neutral. I allow myself to feel disappointed. You wanted something. Did YOU want it? Are you doing this for you? Are you scared of the next phase? Just think of life without that burden. That is a beautiful enough reality to strive for. Do what you can. You matter. You are destined for greatness. Prove it to yourself first. And do not forget that feeling of self-love. Even while you get recognition and love from others, do not ignore the importance of self-love first. Put yourself first. Let them put themselves first. Do things out of self-love. Self-love from a person receiving love from another looks like love from everything and for everything.

Exude self-love
You are love
In any state...ANY position, you are worthy of love
Do not become complacent under the guise of love for self
What are you doing?
What are you giving your energy to?
At least that...
Okay so you're not fitting into others' boxes
But are you trying to fit into your own box...create your own reality?

Life is simply resistance and reaction - willingly move forward. Do not get dragged along and pushed around. Move. MOVE. DO! I am safe and secure - it has made me comfortable in my skin and confident in my sensuality and sexuality - I am aware of my surroundings and I am okay to move forward and DO. Whenever, wherever you start, remain consistent. It shall be rewarded.

Journal entry: 13.08.17


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