Free The Nipple of Nourishment!
DISCLAIMER: Since I shall be speaking about breastfeeding, I am going to be using the term "woman" to refer to women who were born with a vagina and the presumed ability to give birth and have not altered their gender.
There are many misconceptions about what it means to judge something. We hear the word "judge" and tend to associate it with people who are very critical and resistant to understanding as their use of judgment is misguided.
People's reactions to the idea of a woman breastfeeding in public is extremely telling.
Everybody judges. This is how we are able to discern things and place them into their respective categories. We do this for safety purposes as well as other reasons. What we are warned against when it comes to judgment are things like hypocrisy and unfair treatment towards people because of it. We need to have an astute sense of judgment in addition to godly levels of patience and understanding, which is actually achievable. So, categorizing comes naturally to us and so does judgment. There is no point in trying to delude yourself into thinking you don't judge AT ALL. It is human nature and there is nothing wrong with it until it used destructively, whether conscious or unconscious. A lot of the judgment we face, and sometimes deliver, is used destructively and most times it is unconscious as we have already developed the habit and so instinctively do it without really thinking about its consequences. When developed properly, our judgment becomes a superpower called discernment. It lets us know what is worth our time and what is not; what is worth our reaction and what is not; what is worth attention and what is not. Misguided judgment can easily lead to characteristics such as feelings of entitlement, superiority complexes, inferiority complexes, low self worth etc.
Now that I have laid this foundation of understanding, let us unpack the argument that will lead to an understanding of women's freedom to breastfeed in public. I'm already chuckling to myself having actually realised that there REALLY ARE people who go to extreme lengths to stop a woman from feeding her child. But let me not start out with my bias and yes that is something we cannot avoid. As objective as we try to be, our view on the world will always be affected by our own experiences that shape our understanding. That being said, high levels of objectivity are still definitely achievable, just not complete objectivity.
Biologically, women's breast develop during puberty, just in case she is blessed to have a child, so she may produce nourishment for said child. It's like her menstrual cycle. Your womb prepares itself JUST IN CASE you decide to reproduce. Now whether or not you do is not of nature's concern in this regard. Our bodies simply follow the law of nature that allows it to prepare for the potentialities of that human being. If you're a woman, you more than likely have the potential to give birth and your biological make up will send instructions to your brain to distribute the necessary hormones that prepare your body for childbirth and child-rearing. One of the outcomes includes developing breasts.
Now let's pause for a minute and marvel at nature's abilities. Let us look at what nature does for us in order to create situations to reproduce and continue the legacy of humanity.
Now let us come back to the reality of a historically patriarchal society that believes men somehow are allowed a say in what women choose to do with their bodies.. MORE than the women themselves. Laughable right?
For evolutionary and reproductive purposes, men became attracted to the things in a woman that made her seem most capable of successfully bringing a child into this world and raising that child. Hence why men are attracted to women with bigger breasts, wider hips, all those things puberty blesses you with on your journey to womanhood. Men are also attracted to women with a sense of nurturing, caring, sensitivity etc; all the things they believe would make someone a good mother. Based on the reasoning for his attraction, it is natural for a man to then want to sleep with their woman of choice.
Now, the society we live in today has put less emphasis on the spiritual, emotional and biological aspects of sex and more on the physical aspect of penetration. What I mean is, the goal is now to penetrate; to cum; to orgasm; to feel good; to release. Don't forget the attraction is due to reproductive/evolutionary instincts. However, the goal for many is simply the penetrative act. Women included. Sex itself is being objectified and in a patriarchal society, women are consequentially the victims of objectification.
So when you have people with a short term outlook on sex i.e. an objectification of it, you get people who believe the things that they are attracted to are there for the purpose of their short term goal of penetration. Due to the efficiency of westernised brainwashing, many of us are not even aware that we are doing this. Men (black men especially) have been tricked into believing that patriarchal standards are good for them. Patriarchy (and a lot of westernised thinking) harms EVERYBODY (except maybe white men). We have men AND WOMEN who genuinely do not understand the difference between rough sex and rape. Before you judge them, think about this: during rough sex, a woman might cry and beg for her partner to stop and let out some ear piercing screams etc. (not from experience of course...ahem). Many things that should be red flags and could be used as proof of lack of consent in a courthouse become okay. And to those who say "but she would've given consent at the beginning," I say to you, I, too, was so naive. Based on the information arising from Rape Awareness Campaigns, a woman is well within her rights to say no in the middle of sex. If the man continues, does he automatically become a rapist? One jook you're in love and the next jook you're in jail. That is the reality. In a society where men do not have a reputation for being the ones more likely to rape and oppress, people can then comfortably have crippling sex with the peace of mind they won't be locked up for it. See men? If you insist on misogyny and patriarchal ideals, you end up risking becoming the world's next rapist whether or not you realise that's what has happened. It is upto you, men, to restore your reputation.
As we said earlier, we are in a situation where people believe the things they are attracted to are only there for their short term goal of penetration (and ultimately orgasm). Which brings me no surprise that men believe women's breast are sexual body parts that just HAPPEN to be able to feed babies too. Pleasure first, source of nourishment second. They believe the breasts are there simply to play with; to arouse the woman; to make her wet enough to receive you. Therefore, HOW DARE YOU USE HIS SEX TOYS TO FEED YOUR OFFSPRING...AND IN PUBLIC?! How dare you use your breasts for something other than pleasure? How dare you "expose" yourself like that to strangers?! Have you no self respect? Have you no dignity? Do you really expect men to be attracted to that? What? You mean you weren't doing it for the attention of men? *le gasp*
Maybe I cannot convince you of a solution to this "problem" but I shall try anyway. You ready? Whenever you see a woman breastfeeding in public and get the urge to feel offended....
I just don't get it men.. Is it because you don't have any sexual organs that have other uses as well so you can't fathom the possibility? Do you really feel that entitled to a woman's body that you feel the need to shun her into hiding to feed her child? Do you eat your food with a blanket over your head? Do you eat in the dark? So why should her baby? If we are mature adults with knowledge of the workings of the human body, HOW did we get to a place of people BEING OFFENDED by a woman FEEDING HER CHILD? It is JUST BREASTS. Maybe had we not been colonised physically and mentally, women's breasts would be no less threatening or a cause for concern in the way men's titties are usually overlooked. Men do not even have a reason for their breasts to be out! You hot? Use a fan! You want to fight? Leave your shirt on to fight..nobody wants to see a naked man get tump up.
A woman should not be made to feel like an outcast for doing something so natural. Young fornicating Christians who believe in "modesty" I know y'all don't like feeling outcast for doing something as natural as having sex..even if it is before marriage right? Men, as nasty as it could be, you don't like people who condemn you for whipping out your penis and peeing wherever the hell you please because peeing is natural right? And maybe you can't find a bathroom? The difference is, your pee stinks but a child ends up not having to go hungry because its mother did exactly what she should when she heard her child's cry for hunger.
With that being said, people who disagree with women being able to breastfeed in public (not even going as far as simply being able to free the nipple outright just yet) have reasons rooted in concepts and ideologies that are inherently destructive. Dig deep into your mind to understand WHY you are so opposed to a woman breastfeeding her child in public. Think LONG and HARD unlike your...
Anyway.. before the bias sets in and I become shady. Be blessed. Free breasts..
In conclusion, misguided judgment in these scenarios lead to people feeling entitled to tell others what they can and cannot do. It distracts us from the other options that we have. We become easily triggered when we are excessively judgmental. If we fine tune our judgment into discernment, we offer ourselves a world of new possibilities. We give ourselves the CHOICE to be offended or not. Excessive judgment impedes our decision making because it clouds some of the options available to us in a situation. In this particular situation, it prevents people from realising that they are capable of looking away; their judgmental and follow up entitled ways makes them believe they HAVE to say something to correct what they believe is an injustice. Now there is nothing wrong with standing up for what you believe is right. HOWEVER, you MUST employ discernment to first figure out what IS right and what IS wrong. And when other people are affected by your words/actions, you MUST give your reasoning and research skills due diligence by utilising them thoroughly to make sure what you are advocating for is just and true.
How just and true are your thoughts on a woman's freedom of choice to breastfeed in public?
And to women shaming other women for breastfeeding..wyd sis?
There are many misconceptions about what it means to judge something. We hear the word "judge" and tend to associate it with people who are very critical and resistant to understanding as their use of judgment is misguided.
People's reactions to the idea of a woman breastfeeding in public is extremely telling.
Everybody judges. This is how we are able to discern things and place them into their respective categories. We do this for safety purposes as well as other reasons. What we are warned against when it comes to judgment are things like hypocrisy and unfair treatment towards people because of it. We need to have an astute sense of judgment in addition to godly levels of patience and understanding, which is actually achievable. So, categorizing comes naturally to us and so does judgment. There is no point in trying to delude yourself into thinking you don't judge AT ALL. It is human nature and there is nothing wrong with it until it used destructively, whether conscious or unconscious. A lot of the judgment we face, and sometimes deliver, is used destructively and most times it is unconscious as we have already developed the habit and so instinctively do it without really thinking about its consequences. When developed properly, our judgment becomes a superpower called discernment. It lets us know what is worth our time and what is not; what is worth our reaction and what is not; what is worth attention and what is not. Misguided judgment can easily lead to characteristics such as feelings of entitlement, superiority complexes, inferiority complexes, low self worth etc.
Now that I have laid this foundation of understanding, let us unpack the argument that will lead to an understanding of women's freedom to breastfeed in public. I'm already chuckling to myself having actually realised that there REALLY ARE people who go to extreme lengths to stop a woman from feeding her child. But let me not start out with my bias and yes that is something we cannot avoid. As objective as we try to be, our view on the world will always be affected by our own experiences that shape our understanding. That being said, high levels of objectivity are still definitely achievable, just not complete objectivity.
Biologically, women's breast develop during puberty, just in case she is blessed to have a child, so she may produce nourishment for said child. It's like her menstrual cycle. Your womb prepares itself JUST IN CASE you decide to reproduce. Now whether or not you do is not of nature's concern in this regard. Our bodies simply follow the law of nature that allows it to prepare for the potentialities of that human being. If you're a woman, you more than likely have the potential to give birth and your biological make up will send instructions to your brain to distribute the necessary hormones that prepare your body for childbirth and child-rearing. One of the outcomes includes developing breasts.
Now let's pause for a minute and marvel at nature's abilities. Let us look at what nature does for us in order to create situations to reproduce and continue the legacy of humanity.
Now let us come back to the reality of a historically patriarchal society that believes men somehow are allowed a say in what women choose to do with their bodies.. MORE than the women themselves. Laughable right?
For evolutionary and reproductive purposes, men became attracted to the things in a woman that made her seem most capable of successfully bringing a child into this world and raising that child. Hence why men are attracted to women with bigger breasts, wider hips, all those things puberty blesses you with on your journey to womanhood. Men are also attracted to women with a sense of nurturing, caring, sensitivity etc; all the things they believe would make someone a good mother. Based on the reasoning for his attraction, it is natural for a man to then want to sleep with their woman of choice.
Now, the society we live in today has put less emphasis on the spiritual, emotional and biological aspects of sex and more on the physical aspect of penetration. What I mean is, the goal is now to penetrate; to cum; to orgasm; to feel good; to release. Don't forget the attraction is due to reproductive/evolutionary instincts. However, the goal for many is simply the penetrative act. Women included. Sex itself is being objectified and in a patriarchal society, women are consequentially the victims of objectification.
So when you have people with a short term outlook on sex i.e. an objectification of it, you get people who believe the things that they are attracted to are there for the purpose of their short term goal of penetration. Due to the efficiency of westernised brainwashing, many of us are not even aware that we are doing this. Men (black men especially) have been tricked into believing that patriarchal standards are good for them. Patriarchy (and a lot of westernised thinking) harms EVERYBODY (except maybe white men). We have men AND WOMEN who genuinely do not understand the difference between rough sex and rape. Before you judge them, think about this: during rough sex, a woman might cry and beg for her partner to stop and let out some ear piercing screams etc. (not from experience of course...ahem). Many things that should be red flags and could be used as proof of lack of consent in a courthouse become okay. And to those who say "but she would've given consent at the beginning," I say to you, I, too, was so naive. Based on the information arising from Rape Awareness Campaigns, a woman is well within her rights to say no in the middle of sex. If the man continues, does he automatically become a rapist? One jook you're in love and the next jook you're in jail. That is the reality. In a society where men do not have a reputation for being the ones more likely to rape and oppress, people can then comfortably have crippling sex with the peace of mind they won't be locked up for it. See men? If you insist on misogyny and patriarchal ideals, you end up risking becoming the world's next rapist whether or not you realise that's what has happened. It is upto you, men, to restore your reputation.
As we said earlier, we are in a situation where people believe the things they are attracted to are only there for their short term goal of penetration (and ultimately orgasm). Which brings me no surprise that men believe women's breast are sexual body parts that just HAPPEN to be able to feed babies too. Pleasure first, source of nourishment second. They believe the breasts are there simply to play with; to arouse the woman; to make her wet enough to receive you. Therefore, HOW DARE YOU USE HIS SEX TOYS TO FEED YOUR OFFSPRING...AND IN PUBLIC?! How dare you use your breasts for something other than pleasure? How dare you "expose" yourself like that to strangers?! Have you no self respect? Have you no dignity? Do you really expect men to be attracted to that? What? You mean you weren't doing it for the attention of men? *le gasp*
Maybe I cannot convince you of a solution to this "problem" but I shall try anyway. You ready? Whenever you see a woman breastfeeding in public and get the urge to feel offended....
I just don't get it men.. Is it because you don't have any sexual organs that have other uses as well so you can't fathom the possibility? Do you really feel that entitled to a woman's body that you feel the need to shun her into hiding to feed her child? Do you eat your food with a blanket over your head? Do you eat in the dark? So why should her baby? If we are mature adults with knowledge of the workings of the human body, HOW did we get to a place of people BEING OFFENDED by a woman FEEDING HER CHILD? It is JUST BREASTS. Maybe had we not been colonised physically and mentally, women's breasts would be no less threatening or a cause for concern in the way men's titties are usually overlooked. Men do not even have a reason for their breasts to be out! You hot? Use a fan! You want to fight? Leave your shirt on to fight..nobody wants to see a naked man get tump up.
A woman should not be made to feel like an outcast for doing something so natural. Young fornicating Christians who believe in "modesty" I know y'all don't like feeling outcast for doing something as natural as having sex..even if it is before marriage right? Men, as nasty as it could be, you don't like people who condemn you for whipping out your penis and peeing wherever the hell you please because peeing is natural right? And maybe you can't find a bathroom? The difference is, your pee stinks but a child ends up not having to go hungry because its mother did exactly what she should when she heard her child's cry for hunger.
With that being said, people who disagree with women being able to breastfeed in public (not even going as far as simply being able to free the nipple outright just yet) have reasons rooted in concepts and ideologies that are inherently destructive. Dig deep into your mind to understand WHY you are so opposed to a woman breastfeeding her child in public. Think LONG and HARD unlike your...
Anyway.. before the bias sets in and I become shady. Be blessed. Free breasts..
In conclusion, misguided judgment in these scenarios lead to people feeling entitled to tell others what they can and cannot do. It distracts us from the other options that we have. We become easily triggered when we are excessively judgmental. If we fine tune our judgment into discernment, we offer ourselves a world of new possibilities. We give ourselves the CHOICE to be offended or not. Excessive judgment impedes our decision making because it clouds some of the options available to us in a situation. In this particular situation, it prevents people from realising that they are capable of looking away; their judgmental and follow up entitled ways makes them believe they HAVE to say something to correct what they believe is an injustice. Now there is nothing wrong with standing up for what you believe is right. HOWEVER, you MUST employ discernment to first figure out what IS right and what IS wrong. And when other people are affected by your words/actions, you MUST give your reasoning and research skills due diligence by utilising them thoroughly to make sure what you are advocating for is just and true.
How just and true are your thoughts on a woman's freedom of choice to breastfeed in public?
And to women shaming other women for breastfeeding..wyd sis?
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