
Showing posts from 2017

Sunday 3rd December, 2017.

Good day, good people.  I've been trying to live in tune with the purest form of energy. I've been trying to master myself; become intuitive. What I didn't realise was, no matter how intuitive you might be, the real power is in actually listening to your intuition. Finding the courage and faith to not depend on any external factors but to simply listen to that inner voice (which for some of us might not come in the form of a voice; it could be a feeling).  Life has gifted me all types of experiences and my gift to myself is the wisdom extracted from each experience. My gift to you is living my life as an example of the wisdom that I intend to share. It is not enough to tell you what works. I must experiment on myself first.  I did a tarot reading this morning which I didn't intend to be for me but it resonated heavily and I got the urge to share it on my blog. I used the Osho Zen tarot deck, which is my new favourite deck lol.  This reading helped me...


Thank you for your patience. This is long overdue (as usual). I posted this picture on IG the other day with a caption speaking about how slow I am to recognise my own energy whereas other people pick up on it so easily. A lot of that came from self-doubt. I'm still struggling with that a little bit but I'm becoming a little more confident each day. The idea to write this was inspired by a conversation I had with a new friend of mine. A conversation that happened after my ig post and I didn't realise the two would connect so beautifully. So this is a little insight into the lessons I've been learning and how the conversation I had was able to help me sum them all up into something coherent lol. Bear with me.. There are very few people in this world that I've come across that speak to the God in me. Throughout my life, I've tried my best to speak to the God in others. I learn them and I learn what triggers them into action. Sometimes it might be as simple ...

Home, Bittersweet Home

I'm so grateful for all the lessons and the support I've been getting having moved back home. It really has not been an easy transition and it is still not complete. I hope to eventually find the peace that I thought being back in St. Lucia would grant me. Until then, I'll just be learning these lessons and trying to keep up my optimism and faith.  I want to express myself as clear as possible and as honest as possible about my experience moving back so I'll give a few stories about the different areas of my life. Once I set foot back in St. Lucia and I felt that warmth, I was a happy critter. I smiled all the way home. My friend..scratch sister, Nicole, came to meet me at home with a macaroni pie with the words, "Welcome home, sweet patat" written in ketchup on the top. It might not seem like much but man, I could've cried right there and then. I got to finally meet her daughter (my adopted Godchild now) and obviously we fell in love. It r...

Communicating Through Reverence

Guise! Thanks for still clicking even when I'm not the most consistent (that took me too long to spell..poor). Just got further confirmation that I'm doing exactly what I need to be doing right now. S/o Thorn on the ones and twitters. Lol we just confirmed that we know each other from the same It really made me think about my upbringing in the church. Communication is a beautiful thing guys. It's so diverse. Imagine the different ways in which we use words so creatively and it is only 7%. Imagine all the different communications that take place simply based off of body language or tone of voice. "It's not what, it's how" is interpreted, for me, as "It's 7% what, 93% how". Align your efforts appropriately. ( I was having a conversation with my Love yesterday about a pet peeve that we share and as we were speaking, I started to pic...

The Bane(s) of My Existence

Why hello there. Thank you for clicking. Lol I'm ever so grateful (I sound like Lyla from Hey Arnold!) that you're taking the time out to read what lil' ole me has to write. Thank you. What are the banes of my existence? Well I'm a university student, a 90s baby and unemployed. You guessed it: anxiety and depression. Moving to England really shook me up. I was not ready in any way, shape or form. I was able to cope doing my A Levels because it was a similar routine I had to follow. Go to school everyday and study. I ended up making a friend on my first day and she knew other people so I made a few more friends. I thought I had my shit together, guys. I was doing so well. I was resilient. I even failed 2 exams but I retook them and got an A and a B. (toot toot). Then came University. Y'all.. Depression hit me like how that trash bag hit that little boy that was trying to prank his dad. Unfortunately, coming from a Caribbean background where depression isn't...

The Social Media Stage

Thank you for clicking! I'll try my best to make it worth your while. Stage (def): 1. a point, period, or step in a process or development; 2. a raised floor or platform, typically in a theatre, on which actors, entertainers, or speakers perform. I am so grateful for social media. I used to be one of those "act like they're so much better for allegedly not being a social media junkie". But Jah know I loved me some twitter. Facebook could not stay deactivated. Luckily though, not wanting to be a hypocrite made me question my addiction. I used to ZOB twitter (twitter peeps from 2010/2011 could tell you) because those were my first years in England and I was lonely as shit. I made a few friends but even after 7 years, that yearning to be back in St. Lucia hasn't left. Twitter was my way of feeling at home. Lucian twitter was my digital home. And Facebook has a lot of sentimental value to me lol. It's like having an ex that you know you can't leave alone...

An Art of Prayer

Firstly, the person I am now having had these revelations has learnt to begin everything with gratitude. So thank you thank you thank you for taking the time out to read this. You could've been doing anything else, but you're reading this. I love you and I thank you for the support. Even if you do not share it in a public space, I pray my words affect you in a way that they are shared by your actions as a result of new insights about yourself. Namaste. Initially, I was thinking of putting the title as, "The Art of Prayer". But after hearing a beautiful soul's understanding of my posts, I've decided to mirror that understanding even more. Thank you Riade for your kind words. For seeing my posts as my understanding of the truth and not as me trying to assert what THE truth IS. This is my take on prayer; how I do it and how it works for me. "The Art of Prayer" reads better but "An Art of Prayer" reads truer to my outlook. So my amazing and...