Sunday 3rd December, 2017.
Good day, good people.
I've been trying to live in tune with the purest form of energy. I've been trying to master myself; become intuitive. What I didn't realise was, no matter how intuitive you might be, the real power is in actually listening to your intuition. Finding the courage and faith to not depend on any external factors but to simply listen to that inner voice (which for some of us might not come in the form of a voice; it could be a feeling).
Life has gifted me all types of experiences and my gift to myself is the wisdom extracted from each experience. My gift to you is living my life as an example of the wisdom that I intend to share. It is not enough to tell you what works. I must experiment on myself first.
I did a tarot reading this morning which I didn't intend to be for me but it resonated heavily and I got the urge to share it on my blog. I used the Osho Zen tarot deck, which is my new favourite deck lol.
This reading helped me to overcome a situation I'm going through right now and I'm hoping it reaches whoever else might need it.
I ask that you don't be discouraged by the words that I use or the fact that I used tarot. I believe we all have different avenues to God/our purpose and this just happens to be mine. Even the word "God". So if you're an atheist, I don't think this should be of any less value to you. I do not believe in an all good God but I believe in an all powerful and all knowing being. I do not know what it is. I do not think it is separate from us. So even though you are religious, again, I don't think this should be of any less value to you. When I say "God" I simply mean that which is inconceivable. THE ALL. Everything in its totality. It is everything. It is nothing. It is the greatest thing and the most minuscule thing. It is aware and exists in every single thing both known and unknown to man. God's word is written in our genetic make up, how trees are formed, how babies are formed, how plants grow, how things die, the process of birth and death. It is not literal "words" but something more like a fingerprint; where each is unique and not replicated but contain a common factor. I could try to explain it but as I have said, it is inconceivable. But I can use language to represent what I know of God.
God is karma. God is the law of attraction. God is your faith in Jesus Christ. God is "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." God is your own personal way of life. God is your own personal belief system. So before reading, have a think about what creed you live by. If you're an atheist maybe you believe in simply helping others while you are on earth. If you're religious, your way of life might that of Christianity, Islam, Satanism etc. God is your own personal representation of THE ALL. The reason for everything being in existence. The reason to continue living.
Feel free to replace the word "God" or any other word with anything that makes this post more accessible to you. As long as the essence of the message is still captured.
And please feel free to message me with queries about anything that I've said. I encourage you to. Thank you in advance for reading.
(All quotations are words taken from the guidebook of the OSHO Zen tarot. All else are my interpretations of the reading.)
Sometimes we fear the unknown and it causes us to postpone
living our truth. We can be free, authentic and honest today, but the fear of
the reaction from those around us make us hesitant. We do not trust ourselves
to be resilient enough – we do not trust that no matter what the consequences
are, we will be able to move past it.
“What if…?” – so what? It doesn’t matter what the outcome is
– your reward (or punishment) in life comes from what YOU do, not how others
react to you/it.
Act NOW.
Tomorrow does not exist.
Do yourself a favour and live your authentic life today.
Just for today. If you do not like it, go back to living behind a mask until
you’re ready. If you crumble under others’ judgements, go and find out why
others' opinions have such an effect on you.
NEVER postpone for tomorrow – especially telling the truth.
"Make up your mind – don’t go on postponing infinitely."
“Now is the moment to be a bungee jumper without the cord!
And it is this quality of absolute trust, with no reservations or secret safety
nets, that the Knight of Water demands from us. The exhilaration that comes
from taking the leap is worth it – that move into the unknown – even if the
idea scares us to death. And when we take trust to the level of the quantum
leap, we don’t make any elaborate plans or preparations – NO – we just jump,
with hardly a thought for what happens next.”
Your trust is in God – not man. We can only truly trust God
if we live an authentic life. It becomes easier to trust God’s plan for your
life when your focused attention is on living authentically; by seeing life as
our own creation through intentional and deliberate action. A life lived just
reacting to situations is not a life worth living. It also gives us the
subconscious thought that God is punishing us or that we are victims of some
plot (this is especially true where you feel a lot of resentment towards God/people).
It is important to remember to look for God within ourselves first by listening
and acting according to God’s word. God never said the weapons would not form;
only that they would not prosper. Do not make yourself into a weapon by going against your own beliefs. Do not be a hypocrite.
“That which can be taken away from you is not worth keeping
and that which cannot be taken away from you, why should one be afraid of its
being taken away? It cannot be taken away, there is NO possibility. You cannot
lose your REAL treasure.”
The first step to trusting God is living authentically –
drop all pre-conceived notions about yourself (because it’s mostly other people’s
opinions - especially your family, parents in particular) and live your TRUTH.
TIP: Ask yourself, “what is my truth?” Figure it out. Live
Time; fate; karma.
“The only unchanging thing in this world is change itself.
Life is continuously changing, evolving, dying and being reborn.”
“Relax, knowing that this, too, shall pass.”
“Life repeats itself mindlessly – unless you become mindful,
it will go on repeating like a wheel.”
“Once you see the pattern, you can get out of it.”
“If you can watch for a few days (be an observer of the mind
and its thoughts and its reactions to external stimuli – just observe; do not
judge) you will see a pattern emerging – a wheel pattern. One day you are full
of joy and gratitude and another day you don’t see the point of living and want
to commit suicide.”
Find the pattern. Observe without judgement. Free yourself.
“When the fruit is ripe, it drops from the tree by itself.
Not because it has been forced to fall, or has made the effort to jump but
because the tree has recognised its ripeness and simply let it go.”
“You are ready to share your inner riches, your juice. All
you need to do is relax right where you are and be willing for it to happen.
This sharing of yourself, this expression of your creativity, can come in many
ways – in your work, your relationships, your everyday life experiences. No
special preparation or effort on your part is required. It is simply the right
“Only if your meditation has brought you a light that shines
in every night will even death not be a death to you, but a door to the divine.”
“NOW is always the time and the fruit is always ripe. Gather
courage to enter your inner forest. The fruit is ALWAYS ripe and the time is
ALWAYS the right time. There is NO SUCH THING AS THE WRONG TIME.”
general take home messages
You can only reap what you sow. So, pay attention to the
seeds that you sow. Everything you do on earth, you will pay for while on
A dishonest mind is a troubled mind. There is no way out of
it except through authenticity. A dishonest mind is a paranoid mind. A
dishonest mind is a vengeful mind.
An honest mind is free from worry. An honest mind is free
from fear. An honest mind opens the door to trust and confidence. An honest
mind is in union with God.
The time to surrender is NOW. The cleansing of your
conscience is available to you NOW. Tomorrow is already too late.
We do not need to be worried about putting our trust in
other humans. The people we attract and end up with are a direct consequence of
our trust, or lack thereof, in God, in ourselves.
Time is an illusion. The ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ time does not
exist. There is only, ever NOW.
Be mindful. Be present. Be truthful in word AND in deed. Do
not be controlled by fear of the unknown. Acknowledge your fears. See why they
are there. Do not judge them. Love those parts of you extra hard. Reassure your
fears by demonstrating your trust in God through living an honest life. Trust,
communication, honesty, fruitfulness, success can only come from love. Do not
force love, however. Acknowledge fear and its reasons for existing within you.
Thank your fears for trying to protect you and then let them know you will be
okay. Regardless of what happens in your life – you will be okay. That is God’s
promise. All God asks, is that we remain true to ourselves, others and God.
The one who is in
The one who cannot be
The one who cannot be
lied to;
The one who sees ALL
and knows ALL;
THAT is who has your life in the palm of its hand.
The one you cannot
hide from;
The one you cannot
The one who never
leaves your side;
THAT is who has your life in the palm of its hand.
The one who knows
your heart without you having to utter a single word or lift a finger;
Your life, afterlife, destiny … all in the palm of its hand.
Thank you for reading.
(If you would like to book a personal reading, feel free to contact me on any social media platform you have me on or send me an email. All first time readings are $50. Any readings after that are $40. If you'd like to pre-book after your first reading for a set number of weekly or monthly sessions, the price is $30 per session. Each session is generally an hour long but will depend upon the reading. Charges for longer sessions will be at my discretion.
Facebook: Eva Nicole
Twitter: @SativaMarley
Instagram: @dgyaldemsplenda_
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