
Showing posts from April, 2017

The Process of Detachment

Inspired by a conversation I had with a very good friend of mine who I believe is somewhat of a spiritual guru. When I'm feeling stuck with matters of a spiritual nature, she is the only person I can go to. So naturally, when we have disagreements about things of a spiritual nature, I start to question my own beliefs and go back to the drawing board to see if I went wrong somewhere. Don't get me wrong, doubt is a very good thing. One of two things can happen: either I realise I was wrong and I am able to correct my thinking or I find enough research to strengthen my case. Win-win situation. I don't do this with everybody because I am very committed to my convictions but if you have somebody like that in your life, you'd understand why you'd start to question your convictions. I won't go into details of the conversation but essentially, I believe that detaching from the outcome of a desire is a necessary step in manifesting that desire. To her, what needs to be...

The Death Perspective

People who know me know I have no qualms speaking about death. They know I believe that death is just the other side of the coin which birth is on. They are identical in nature. It is the law of the universe. Things must die so other things can live. The essence of all that is, however, cannot itself die. It can only transform. And to us, it looks like life and death. We label death (and basically anything that causes us unpleasant feelings) as bad. We label it based on its effect on us specifically. "Natural disasters" for example cause us to lose homes, lives etc. so we call it a disaster. The earth doesn't think it's a disaster. It's probably just clearing out something to put something else in its place. The earth understands the laws. It does not try to prevent it. Human beings are a lot more arrogant, however, and believe they must do all in their power to prevent the things that they believe should not occur because it makes them less than happy. Death is...

Taking Responsibility for Your Feelings

I've noticed that people respond to confidence levels. They respond to how people feel about themselves. No matter how nice, sensitive or kind you are, if you are not confident, chances are, you have complaints about people's lack of respect and appreciation towards you. In an ideal world, being a good person would be enough to grant you every thing you want.  But that's not the world we live in. Not everybody deserves all of what you have to offer. It is still your responsibility to learn discernment. WHO deserves you? How MUCH of you do they deserve? Are you confident in what you bring to the table? Do you believe it is enough? Then why do you allow others' response and reaction to make you doubt yourself. Why do YOU apologise when somebody does you something that you believe you don't deserve? Why are you apologising for being sensitive? You can be confident in your sensitivity. Embrace it. Only if you believe you are "too sensitive" will other people ...

Free The Nipple of Nourishment!

DISCLAIMER: Since I shall be speaking about breastfeeding, I am going to be using the term "woman" to refer to women who were born with a vagina and the presumed ability to give birth and have not altered their gender.  There are many misconceptions about what it means to judge something. We hear the word "judge" and tend to associate it with people who are very critical and resistant to understanding as their use of judgment is misguided. People's reactions to the idea of a woman breastfeeding in public is extremely telling. Everybody judges. This is how we are able to discern things and place them into their respective categories. We do this for safety purposes as well as other reasons. What we are warned against when it comes to judgment are things like hypocrisy and unfair treatment towards people because of it. We need to have an astute sense of judgment in addition to godly levels of patience and understanding, which is actually achievable. So, categ...