The Bane(s) of My Existence
Why hello there. Thank you for clicking. Lol I'm ever so grateful (I sound like Lyla from Hey Arnold!) that you're taking the time out to read what lil' ole me has to write. Thank you. What are the banes of my existence? Well I'm a university student, a 90s baby and unemployed. You guessed it: anxiety and depression. Moving to England really shook me up. I was not ready in any way, shape or form. I was able to cope doing my A Levels because it was a similar routine I had to follow. Go to school everyday and study. I ended up making a friend on my first day and she knew other people so I made a few more friends. I thought I had my shit together, guys. I was doing so well. I was resilient. I even failed 2 exams but I retook them and got an A and a B. (toot toot). Then came University. Y'all.. Depression hit me like how that trash bag hit that little boy that was trying to prank his dad. Unfortunately, coming from a Caribbean background where depression isn't...