
Showing posts from May, 2017

The Bane(s) of My Existence

Why hello there. Thank you for clicking. Lol I'm ever so grateful (I sound like Lyla from Hey Arnold!) that you're taking the time out to read what lil' ole me has to write. Thank you. What are the banes of my existence? Well I'm a university student, a 90s baby and unemployed. You guessed it: anxiety and depression. Moving to England really shook me up. I was not ready in any way, shape or form. I was able to cope doing my A Levels because it was a similar routine I had to follow. Go to school everyday and study. I ended up making a friend on my first day and she knew other people so I made a few more friends. I thought I had my shit together, guys. I was doing so well. I was resilient. I even failed 2 exams but I retook them and got an A and a B. (toot toot). Then came University. Y'all.. Depression hit me like how that trash bag hit that little boy that was trying to prank his dad. Unfortunately, coming from a Caribbean background where depression isn't...

The Social Media Stage

Thank you for clicking! I'll try my best to make it worth your while. Stage (def): 1. a point, period, or step in a process or development; 2. a raised floor or platform, typically in a theatre, on which actors, entertainers, or speakers perform. I am so grateful for social media. I used to be one of those "act like they're so much better for allegedly not being a social media junkie". But Jah know I loved me some twitter. Facebook could not stay deactivated. Luckily though, not wanting to be a hypocrite made me question my addiction. I used to ZOB twitter (twitter peeps from 2010/2011 could tell you) because those were my first years in England and I was lonely as shit. I made a few friends but even after 7 years, that yearning to be back in St. Lucia hasn't left. Twitter was my way of feeling at home. Lucian twitter was my digital home. And Facebook has a lot of sentimental value to me lol. It's like having an ex that you know you can't leave alone...

An Art of Prayer

Firstly, the person I am now having had these revelations has learnt to begin everything with gratitude. So thank you thank you thank you for taking the time out to read this. You could've been doing anything else, but you're reading this. I love you and I thank you for the support. Even if you do not share it in a public space, I pray my words affect you in a way that they are shared by your actions as a result of new insights about yourself. Namaste. Initially, I was thinking of putting the title as, "The Art of Prayer". But after hearing a beautiful soul's understanding of my posts, I've decided to mirror that understanding even more. Thank you Riade for your kind words. For seeing my posts as my understanding of the truth and not as me trying to assert what THE truth IS. This is my take on prayer; how I do it and how it works for me. "The Art of Prayer" reads better but "An Art of Prayer" reads truer to my outlook. So my amazing and...