
Showing posts from August, 2018


Thank you so much for the out pour of love from my last post. It is now my most read post :D and still being read. So thank you thank you thank you. I realised I focused a lot on the tough parts (or at least I think I did) but I didn't mention nearly as much the love I've been receiving from unexpected places, the new friendships I've formed, the support I've been getting from unexpected places. So thank you. I might not have gotten everything I expected but I got a lot of what I didn't expect and tbh, it was worth the loss. And not everything, either... Thinking about how I didn't highlight the good as much as the bad, I started to ponder on a few things. Along with some other situations here and there, I started to wonder about what it means to be 'ungrateful'. I'm pretty sure you've either been called ungrateful before or you've called someone ungrateful. Maybe we call other people ungrateful quicker than we call ourselves ungrate...

Little Big Lessons

Let's see if I still know how to do this. Thank you for your patience, if you've been wondering when next I was going to drop a lil sumn sumn. I wanted to wait until I had some profound thing to share but the lessons have been coming in like raindrops, so it's hard to keep up. Also, something being profound is usually in the eyes of the beholder. So maybe there'll be a nugget in there for you if need be. Ya girl is pregnant. And this is how I got here: So this journey been one long ass rollercoaster ride. If anything, I've been learning how to say less. So it's been hard to write because I like to explain things in detail but I also want to keep things short and sweet. This period has been about transformation, for me. I feel like it's been that for a lot of people as well. If you've felt stagnant for a long time, or you've been putting off something you think will be life changing, I think the discomfort with where you are has eith...