
Showing posts from May, 2018

-đź’“Feminine Revolutionđź’“-

My best hours are usually 3am to 5am, for thinking and for writing. Recently, I've been waking up or already up at those times and I seriously cannot deny the powerful messages that flow through me so effortlessly. A lot has been going on and I feel the revolution of the feminine energy VERY strongly. The earth, society, households and us, our children have felt the imbalance for too long. We have affected our children, our households, our society, our earth by allowing ourselves to live with this imbalance. So the change must begin within. I ask that you begin and end reading this with an open mind. I ask that you read from a place of understanding BEFORE you judge if you feel you MUST judge. Disagreements are always welcome but I will not acknowledge arguments that oppose things I did not say. I can only defend what I said, not what you interpreted. And I tried my best to be as clear as possible and I am willing to clear up misunderstandings and answer questions. But I will not...